Sunday, February 23, 2025


Cherwell Statement on Covid-19

We have been made aware of a number of cases of misinformation and speculation in relation to the spread of Covid-19 at Oxford. A number of sites have, either...


If you are interested in business and publishing then join the OSPL Summer Scheme! Who else can say that they worked as a business executive for a real publishing company whilst completing their degree?!

The Spectre of Virtue Signalling

Brian Wong criticises the use of social justice causes for personal ends

10th Week, Pt 2

Tracks, 40-31

10th Week, Part One

Don't even ask about 9th...

8th Week's only remaining blog, so you may as well read it...

7th Week

Beware: Christmas cheer is on the cards...

6th Week

Oddly, some good songs are out this week...

5th Week

Back to Basics


The big one. Tonight we'll see if hope can prevail... join me from 2pm. Full coverage from 11pm.

4th Week

A mildly distracting collection of words. In sentences.

Your guide to Election Night

An hour by hour guide to what to look out for so you can make friends and influence people with your punditry skills

3rd Week

Literally the best thing you'll read in your entire life

2nd Week

Leaner, meaner, cleaner...wiener?

Liveblogging the final Presidential Debate

Obama and McCain go head-to-head in a crucial showdown in New York

1st Week

New post: old hat

OxStu online

Aldate is wondering when "nougth" week ends... Can any OxStu types shed any light?

Holiday’s over

Welcome back, journo-hacks

The Second Presidential Debate

McCain v. Obama - Round Two

0th Week

Morning. New year, new blog. A simple premise, this: a quick round up of the six most pertinent singles officially released today, today being Monday. I shall strive to keep prejudice and subjectivity to a moderate high, whilst genuinely attempting to give a decent impression of the song in question

Tonight’s VP debate is lose-lose for Democrats

Impossibly low expectations mean that Biden is more of a risk than Palin in tonight's Vice-Presidential debate

Guardian Student Media Awards

Don't look now Isis-types

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