Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920


A Future in the Light of Darkness review: Imagined engines of desire

Modern Art Oxford’s exhibit Frieda Toranzo Jaeger: A future in the light of darkness counters the potential for automated vehicles and social media algorithms to consume our future reality. With...

Taylor Swift’s The Tortured Poet’s Department: Who tortures the poet?

The most tortured love affair on Taylor Swift’s new album is her relationship with...

Christian Atheism by Slavoj Žižek review

‘And what did the twentieth century want with religion, already well worn and threadbare...

The Oxford Fashion Gala: A stellar display of talent

The evening of Wednesday 8th May brought a show that transcended the limitations of...

Film around the world: Germany’s The Lives of Others

I’m sure that those of us who studied A-Level German back in the day...

Why we won’t bother to back the Booker

Chris de Beneducci wonders why Britain's foremost literary prize fails to connect with anybody under the age of twenty

‘Murder’ in Christ Church

A behind the scenes look at 'Murder in the Cathedral'

Review: Klavierwerke

Alex Dudok de Wit washes himself in James Blake's progressive fourth EP

Welcome to Rocksford

Alex Dudok de Wit and Matt Walsh load freshers into their musical go-kart for a tour of the city

Interviews: Nigel Cole, Stephen Woolley and Elizabeth Karlsen

Jenny Glennon speaks to the director & producers of Made in Dagenham

Review: Surfing The Void

Owain Jevons grabs his surfboard and heads for the nearest vacuum

French Pop Music Today

Rachel Coombes sorts the wheat from the Piaf

Reviews: Buried

Matt and Ben broadly agree that this is one of the tensest films of the year.

Review: Made in Dagenham

A review of one of the most highly anticipated British films of the decade

Review: Tamara Drewe

A talented cast and stylish visuals more than make up for this comedy's thin plot.

Review: The Town

Ben Affleck manages to resuscitate his career with this thrilling action flick.

Review: Catching A Tiger

Sam Pilgrim reviews the latest "indie-folk-rock-soulful-heartfelt" release by Lissie

The Brain Behind the Penis

A review of Dr. Louann Brizendine’s new book, The Male Brain

I Scream

Owain Jevons traces the various musical uses of mankind's most primal sound

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