
Oxford receives £16.5m for psychosis research

Researchers at Oxford University are to lead a research programme into the antipsychotic properties of cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is one of the chemicals found in marijuana but it is distinct...

Could artificial intelligence disrupt our world?

"AI has great potential for human welfare, holding the promise of countless scientific and medical advantages, as well as cheaper high-quality services, but involves a plethora of risks."

Startup spotlight: Bringing rocket science into cooking

“We are here for the long term. We want to build a brand that the ultimate customer can believe in.”

Money Diaries: Overdraft edition

"In this city, there are many side hustles to choose from. From tutoring private school kids how to get into Oxford PPE to life-modelling for art students and selling Union hacks oregano as marijuana, the options are unlimited. But this time, the solution was much simpler."

Transgender healthcare inequality: The life and death battle for adequate treatment

"It is clear that unacceptably long wait times, costly treatment and poor general care are endangering transgender people who encounter roadblocks to treatment at all stages. The light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak, is fueled by the success stories of trans people who have received their treatment or have had positive experiences with medical professionals."

What next for Meta?

Mark Zuckerberg might want to sell us all on the metaverse, but there are far more pressing issues for the social media giant. As yet...

Oxford’s first ‘hacker house’: For the RICH, by the RICH?

I learned that everyone can be a Rebellious Intellectually Curious Hustler (RICH) with the right motivation, the right readings, and the right goals.

A secret science: What cisgender people don’t know about voice

Exploring this behavioural side of voice is invaluable for uncovering the full variety of expression available to you, regardless of the extent and contexts in which you choose to use it.

Money Talk: An Oxford DPhil student

It’s that time of the year again when final year students who have an appetite for research begin applying to PhD programs. This is...

Oxford’s economic impact: More than an academic cash cow?

"Initially it seems shockingly large how one single institution can contribute so much in one year. I could never imagine this amount of money, so much so that I had to double check the number of zeros you add on to a billion. It’s nine."

Constructing sustainable futures

Green architecture, or green design, is the approach to building that minimizes the harmful effects of construction projects on human health and the environment. The “green” architect or designer attempts to integrate nature by choosing eco-friendly building materials and construction practices - this is key in the decarbonisation of society and promotion of sustainability as we mitigate climate change.

The discovery of a true Welsh dragon

"Pendraig helps us to understand how these island communities would have lived. It is quite remarkable that, deep in the ancient past, the UK would have been a tropical paradise filled with dinosaurs."

Money Talk: She who must not be named

Quid. Dosh. Smackers. Dough. We have numerous slang names for it, but we’re still afraid to talk about it. What is it? The intimidating, uncomfortable, best avoided m-word: money.

Oxford Nanopore IPO debut: In review

This method could enable DNA sequencing to become cheaper and more rapid by eliminating the need for multiple reagents and expensive equipment.

The pain scale needs a revamp

If you've been to A&E, you’ll probably be familiar with the pain scale. It goes something like this: a caregiver shows you a scale...

Unaddressed servers: Is online gaming gaming you?

If you’ve ever been one to get back from school on a weekday, switch on the PlayStation or Xbox to talk to your friends...

Money Diaries: A Fresher at Merton College, Oxford

For freshers having to deal with budgeting for the first time it can be a tricky topic to try and figure out.

The shotgun approach: How viruses mutate and evolve

up. A new collaborative study from Oxford and Dundee could help us to understand exactly which mutations will be the most deadly, allowing us to design new vaccines before its too late.

Science’s addiction to plastic: Something needs to be done

Are scientists complicit in the increasing amounts of plastic waste polluting our earth? Or is the waste generated by research an unavoidable by-product of...

Extra-Terrestrial Environmental Destruction

Humanity has set its sights on the stars for its future and envisions a new place for itself among the heavens. However, throughout history,...

A Whole New World? Navigating Workplace Politics

This piece also featured in Oxford Women in Business’ termly magazine Insight in a collaboration celebrating the launch of Cherwell's Business & Finance section....