Moosa Harraj running for the #Bridge slate has been elected Union President for Michaelmas Term 2025 with 833 first preferences, by a margin of around 200 votes over Chris...
Key donors preventing the society from going under includes an adviser to a Saudi-Arabian minister, who has overseen more than 80% of fundraising for a key Union initiative.
The Oxford Union opened its bicentenary year on Monday with an address by Peter Thiel, the entrepreneur and investor who co-founded Paypal and Palantir....
When it comes to housing affordability, Oxford is well-behind its world-class peers. Researchers and academics at the University of Oxford are faced with some...
Oxfordshire County Councillors have received online abuse and death threats following false rumours of a ‘climate lockdown’ circulated following the approval of six new...
A team of five Oxford University graduate students worked together with the International Space School Educational Trust (ISSET) to turn schoolchildrens’ ideas into an...
Oxford’s Chancellor, Lord Patten, welcomed the new Vice-Chancellor, Professor Irene Tracey, in traditional Oxonian fashion with a speech given on Tuesday morning. Opening with...
This afternoon, Cherwell met with Irene Tracey, Oxford’s new Vice-Chancellor. Tracey was formerly Warden of Merton College, and was the Nuffield Chair of Anaesthetic...
In an epic U-turn, the controversial new dating site for Oxford students, OxShag, has chosen to suspend its operation following an abundance of privacy...
A new dating website, “OxShag,” aimed at offering University of Oxford students a “casual shag,” has sparked outrage among the student body. The site...
Props from the BBC’s adaptation of Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy have gone on display this week in Oxford museums.
Together, exhibits at Pitt...
St John’s College has announced the winning names from their competition to decide what the college’s new kittens will be called.
The three kittens have...
A lot can be discovered about a college’s culture from the ingredients of their college drink. The ‘work hard, play hard’ attitude that is...
Oxford University’s museums, the Pitt Rivers and the Ashmolean, have seen a growing appeal to revisit their spaces and museum practices with a contemporary...
The Oxford Union welcomed Baroness Hale on 24th November as she answered questions about her legal career to a packed audience in the chamber.