Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920


Cut the job chat

It’s Michaelmas term of my final year. The days are short, my patience even shorter, and every conversation seems to circle back to the same dreaded question: “What are...

The inevitability of Noodle Bridge

In a controversial move, Christ Church College has been granted approval for the construction...

Lessons from the Cambridge Union

I went to Cambridge a few weeks ago, and attended a Cambridge Union debate...

Unfortunately, the Union Matters

Within a decade of being founded, the Oxford Union was already doing its best...

Divestment will take more than a review board

As reported by Cherwell last week, the Ethical Investment Representations Review Subcommittee (EIRRS) is...

2022 – A Year in Review

"Here is our selection of 2022’s drama, disaster, and craziness and what I, the Cherwell team, and the University community had to say about them."

Ghosts of Christmas Past: strikes and parliamentary self-fictionalisation. 

Moving away from the twentieth century seems unappealing to some members of the Tory party

The House of Lords – Necessary reform?

A more pragmatic approach would be to enact targeted reform.

Voter Identification: A dangerous pathway to unnecessary discrimination

"The biggest problem with ID requirements is that they are inherently discriminatory."

The Silenced Majority: The Forty-Year-Old Conspiracy to Abolish American Democracy

"While QAnon-spouting Trumpers certainly are frightening, these black-robed theocrats send a shiver down my spine unlike any other."

Oxford makes progress after centuries of social engineering in admissions

"That students from Harrow no longer enjoy the 45.2% Oxbridge acceptance rate they did five years ago is not a crime."

Letting the “work do the talking” – Professor Samson Kambalu’s Fourth Plinth statue

I’ve spent more time explaining who he is over the last few weeks than having vital discussions on what is more important.

Why I’m not watching the World Cup

If your answer to this is that football is just a game and should not be about politics, then I say that is exactly the point.

The looming threat of solipsism at Oxford: A fresher’s perspective

Will teenagers looking for who they are find anything here, after three years surrounded by tradition and rote?

Why do I trust the Prime Minister of another country more than I trust my own?

"The absence of understanding of the complexity of Anglo-Irish relations was an essential sticking point for much of the Brexit discussion and without the context, I think many British people fundamentally misunderstood the issue at hand."

Westminster on the Potomac: The Americani(z)ation of British Politics

"The growing interest in the US’s idiosyncratic take on football is not the only way in which the world’s largest economy has come to influence British culture."

‘This is how it’s always been’

Precedent is not always best – let’s hear out people’s different perspectives and ultimately if they have a convincing case things should change. 

Week 5 editorial

Pieter Garicano, Cherwell Editor-in-Chief: A feature of student journalism is the lack of distance between the journalist and their subject. The media in London get...

The time for rhetoric is over: We need safe and legal routes now

Politicians continue to play into the narrative that they are the ones in the wrong, mislabelling asylum-seekers as ‘illegal’.

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