Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Hannah Grosskopf

Keble clamp down on poor academic performance

College aims to improve its ranking in the Norrington table

Library is history

University proposes to close the History Faculty Library and move all books and services to the Rad Cam.

Club night competition heats up

Varsity Events contact lawyers after breakaway events company takes charge of popular club nights

Club night re-Shuffle

New club night company, set up to rival Varsity Events, has taken control of Lava Ignite and Wahoo.

Students targeted by student loan scams

Oxford students are among those who have received fraudulent emails asking students to verify or update their personal details

It’s snow joke

Students warned about record lack of snow for Varsity Trip as experienced skiers are refunded for their additional pass

Quidditch match between Worcester and Teddy Hall

The first ever quidditch match at Oxford was held this week with Teddy Hall the victors. The Harry Potter Society was also resurrected for less athletic Potter fans

Rule breaking in OUSU election campaigns

OUSU's Returning Officer has published a list of complaints against four out of the five presidential candidates

Protestors march through London

About 100 travelled to London from Oxford to take part in the national demonstration

Anna Karenina film casts Oxford students

Open castings were held to find extras for new Joe Wright film.

‘Pleb’s College’ returns in East Oxford

The self-styled free university where anyone can go to take part in workshops, discussion, activities or lessons has been set up by squatters off Cowley Road

Nearly half of Britons are ‘Next Generation Users’

Oxford Internet Institute find that nearly 50% of Britons access the internet on the move.

OUSU back Muslim prayer room

OUSU unanimously passes motion to give support to the general idea of having a prayer room for Muslims

Government backpedals on tuition fee policy

Ministers are forced to rethink their plans for tuition fees as more universities than expected raise fees to £9000

Oxford schools top the league tables

Outstanding GCSE and A level results from Oxfordshire schools have been attributed to close links with the University

Welsh poorly represented at Oxbridge, says MP

MP Paul Murphy speaks out as figures reveal 4.6% average applicant success rate compared to national 20%

No.9 barmen go topless for the ladies

Oxford nightclub plans male topless night every Thursday

SlutWalk the line

Oxford students travel to London to march with 5,000 others to reclaim the word 'slut' at last week's SlutWalk event

Students sexually assaulted

Colleges warn young women not to walk alone at night in the Cowley area of Oxford after the fifth sexual attack in a week

Boat house broken into again

'60 youths' break into Lincoln boathouse and break windows just days before the Summer VIIIs regatta starts

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