Monday, March 10, 2025

Niluka Kavanagh

A guide to Oxford’s fashion stereotypes

Niluka Kavanagh assesses the 10 style categories that Oxford students tend to fall into...

Confessions of an Oxford Student

Things getting frisky: Cherwell conducted an anonymous survey and here are the results. REAL CONFESSIONS by Oxford University students

Campaign Against Human Trafficking

Cherwell speaks to the organisers of the Oxford Women Speak Out against human trafficking campaign, which took place around the Radcliffe Camera last week

Interview: Paco Erhard

Cherwell interviews the German comedian Paco Erhard about his journey into comedy and his show 'Paco Erhard: Worst. German. Ever', running this week in the Turl Street Kitchen

Men’s Catwalk Trends

Cherwell speaks to the people of Oxford about men's catwalk trends and the current white-meets-pink look

Preview: Parade the Musical

Cherwell speaks to the cast and crew of Parade the Musical, opening at the O'Reilly Theatre in sixth week

Beauty Corner: Hair that’s good enough to eat!

Niluka Kavanagh looks at the DIY way of getting great hair at a fraction of the price!

Brasenose Fashion Show

Cherwell goes behind the scenes of a fashion show at Brasenose, a part of their recent Arts Week.

College Bops

Cherwell talks to the students of Somerville College about fancy dress and what makes a good bop.

Dating in Oxford

Cherwell takes to Cornmarket to ask if Oxford really is the place for romance.

Beauty Corner: Textured Products

Tantalising or just plain terrifying? Niluka Kavanagh explores this latest trend.

Review: Oxford Fashion Week – The Concept Show

One of the more exotic OFW shows - get Cherwell Fashion's thoughts!

The life-saving little black dress

What to wear when you've got nothing to wear..

Benefactor Fashion Charity Show

Cherwell talks fashion no-nos and onesies with an organiser and model from the Benefactor Charity Fashion show.

What are your fashion faux pas?

We ask for people's biggest fashion blunders on Cornmarket, with the usual variety of town and gown experiences

Beauty Corner: No Make-Up

Keep calm and carry on - a world without make-up!

Have your say – the "Clashing" trend

Clashing colours are in on the catwalk, but can you get away with them in hipster Oxford?

Winter Warming

The chill is setting in - and we're showing you how to stay on-trend while staying toasty!

Happy New Fashion Year!

A fashionista's quick-fire guide to the New Year!

Beauty Corner – The Modern Man

Spa treatments and facial creams aren't just reserved for the female sex. The rise of the male beauty regime has finally reached an all time high.

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