Cherwell News

BREAKING: Danial Hussain elected SU President

Danial Hussain has been elected as President of the Student Union for the academic year 2023 with 921 votes.  The results for the remaining five...

Cherwell Town Hall: meet the SU presidential candidates 2023

Elections for the Oxford SU 2023 opened this morning, but do you know who you're backing? Cherwell News spoke to the four presidential candidates...

UCU announces dates for 18-day strike action across February and March

The Universities and Colleges Union (UCU) has announced the dates for its new set of strikes, in light of increasing disputes with the Universities...

Dysfunctional: Oxshag to shut down amid controversy

In an epic U-turn, the controversial new dating site for Oxford students, OxShag, has chosen to suspend its operation following an abundance of privacy...

Dating site for horny Oxford students slammed for privacy violations

A new dating website, “OxShag,” aimed at offering University of Oxford students a “casual shag,” has sparked outrage among the student body. The site...

Matthew Dick wins Union Presidency as FULFIL slate sweeps officerships

Matthew Dick of the FULFIL slate has been elected President of the Oxford Union for TT 2022, winning 481 first preferences to Daniel Dipper's...

Oxford shows solidarity in Iran demonstration

“Say her name!” the crowd chanted, “Mahsa. Zhina. Amini!” More and more people gathered to hear and ask questions about the issue and the protesters were more than happy to answer their questions and tell their stories.

NEW win landslide Union election victory, all officers elected

Charlie Mackintosh has been elected President of the Oxford Union for Hilary Term 2023. Mackintosh was the Union’s Librarian for Trinity Term 2022, and...

Cherwell Town Hall: Anvee Bhutani and Charlie Mackintosh in their own words

With Union members going to the polls tomorrow, Cherwell speaks with the candidates for the presidency. They were given the opportunity to comment on...

Cherwell’s Top 40 BNOCs

Cherwell News presents the Top 40 BNOCs of Oxford.

Oxford declared Britain’s ‘Capital of Woke’ 

Oxfordshire has been proclaimed the UK’s most ‘right-on’ county. In an attempt to shame Oxfordshire for its “drippy hippy” culture, ranging from gender-neutral toilets to...

Oxford SU criticises Uni plans for trashing fines

In a press release to Cherwell, the Oxford SU condemned plans by the University to fine students for 'trashing'. A tradition dating back to the...

Ahmad Nawaz wins Union Presidency, EMPOWER sweeps officerships

Ahmad Nawaz of the EMPOWER slate has been elected President of the Oxford Union for MT 2022, winning 486 first preferences. Nawaz was the...

Cherwell Town Hall: Meet the SU Presidential Candidates

Don’t have time to comb through multiple manifestos or six different op-eds? The Cherwell News team spoke to all the candidates for the Presidency of the Oxford University Student Union so you can compare them all in one go and make an informed decision.

OULGBTQ+ secretarial election plagued by misinformation

The current candidate for Secretary for the Oxford University has suffered from the spread of alleged misinformation surrounding her campaign, with both messages and posts on public forums describing her as an “evangelical Christian” and “right wing (American) Republican.” 

Two Oxford professors on advisory board of UK’s biggest carbon emitter

Two Oxford University professors are members of the advisory board of a company which operates a power station which has been described as the largest source of greenhouse emissions in the UK.

Magdalen President received at least £134,000 for role in anti-gay marriage case

"Ms Rose was criticised by students and societies at Oxford for representing the Caymanian government in their attempt to oppose the legalisation of same-sex marriage."

BREAKING: University claims information on in-person teaching delayed until after Easter holidays

The University of Oxford has updated its guidance to suggest that information on in-person teaching will be delayed until after the Easter holidays at...

Wolvercote residents campaign against St. John’s College Oxford North development

"Wolvercote residents led an hour-long socially-distanced protest outside St. John’s College on Friday to show their displeasure with the college’s plans to redevelop the green-belt land which it holds in North Oxford."

Former judge criticises Magdalen President for role in anti-gay litigation

TW: homophobia Magdalen’s President, Dinah Rose QC, has been criticised for advocating on behalf of the Caymanian government in its struggle against the legalisation of...