"It is not unreasonable to expect that students should not be disadvantaged by circumstances wholly beyond their control. That is why the editorial boards of The Oxford Blue, The Oxford Student and Cherwell are calling on the University of Oxford to introduce a fair ‘no-detriment’ policy for finalists."
The Oxford Climate Justice Campaign protested at Glencore’s recruitment event at the Old Bank Hotel on Monday night. Glencore are a multinational commodity trading...
The database contains personal details and reasons for referral for every person referred to the programme.
Of the 7,318 people were referred to Prevent in 2017-8, 2,426 were referred from the education sector.
A start-up careers service claims to fast-track applications from Oxbridge students to internships in FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies.
Dreaming Spires, founded by a...
Blackstone has been accused of fuelling the housing crisis, the deforestation of the Amazon and the UK's social care crisis.
An open letter is calling for full transparency over how this donation was processed.
For the past few years, the same small collection of streaming services has vied for the attention of UK viewers. But things are set to change rapidly in the coming months, as practically every big media company will pitch their own tent in an increasingly competitive media landscape.
But it’s independent British films that have the most to fear in the looming shadow of a no-deal Brexit. Most people working in the film industry voted against leaving altogether – why? Because the European Union massively supports creative industries in a way that our government alone either can’t or won't.
The petition, which has received 150 signatures, accuses the PM of "seriously undermining democracy", and also calls for a ban on the college displaying images of the former student.
Future Finance loans can result in students repaying more than three times the original amount of their loan over a decade, regardless of their earnings.
“I felt the narrowing of my life to a very fine point. A hard triangle of a life over and me sprawled at its peak, hopeless and lost.” - Russell Brand, describing a mental breakdown.
In their email, Exeter warn warns students that “Scabies is very contagious. It is spread from one infected person to another through direct, prolonged, close physical contact. Student communities are at high risk of spreading scabies because of this.”