Pieter Garicano, Cherwell Editor-in-Chief:
Sometimes, things are as bad as they seem. A gale descends on the global economy. The energy and cost-of-living crisis will...
Giorgia is entitled to her personal opinion, as all women should be, but the problems caused when female leaders publicly express pro-life views are manifold.
What I didn’t foresee were the perilous moves and gambles he made to save the richest in our country tens of thousands of pounds and leave everyone else picking up the pieces of a wrecked economy.
Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral on Monday was packed with highly choreographed, magnificent and impressive ceremony. It was undeniably moving to see so many world...
"Interest, support, strong passionate sentiments of support from prominent individuals – that is recent but professionalism, grit, and determination that has been displayed by the Lionesses is certainly not."
"The overwhelming tone on Thursday night was not one of grave solemnity nor political reflection, but of mockery and exasperation at yet another national crisis."
"What makes all of this even more crazy and difficult for me to get my head around is that the members seem blissfully unaware of just how unelectable Truss is"
"Accessibility is about empowerment. It is about knowledge – addressing the legitimate fears that state school students have and enabling them to make an informed choice about what studying at Oxford or Cambridge is like."