
In defence of Oxford’s ugliest architecture

We should consider what brutalism represents

Abolishing tuition fees would be a middle class cash grab

Such a move would imperil the quality of British universities, do little to make university more affordable, and be socially unjust.

‘Expolwed!’: The Oxford Union’s lazy use of AI

A betrayal of the Union’s supposed commitment to free speech, a failure of both imagination and principle.

Representation requires participation: A call to action from the SU

Engage with us, hold us accountable, and see what student representation at its best can achieve.

Covid, War, Climate change: the end of our globalised world?

"Another diplomatic and economic bomb is waiting to explode: our dependency on China."

Careers and Connections – the One Woman Mission

"Being an Oxbridge graduate is said to open doors - but not if you don’t know which doors to push."

Week 1 editorial

Statement of retraction: On Tuesday night, we received a complaint about an article which had been published in our Life section and which was...

Death to the Single-Sign-On

This kind of tokenistic “look-we’re-doing-something-helpful” attitude has seeped into every corner of routine Oxford life.

Week 0 editorial

Pieter Garicano, Cherwell Editor-in-Chief: Sometimes, things are as bad as they seem. A gale descends on the global economy. The energy and cost-of-living crisis will...

You shall go to the ball – The Trinity tale of breaking and entering

Ball-crashing can only be a liberationist act if it has no impact on the people who genuinely paid for their ticket.

Why Giorgia Meloni’s election makes me fear for my right to abortion

Giorgia is entitled to her personal opinion, as all women should be, but the problems caused when female leaders publicly express pro-life views are manifold.

Truss’ ‘mini-budget’ is a car crash for young and ordinary people

What I didn’t foresee were the perilous moves and gambles he made to save the richest in our country tens of thousands of pounds and leave everyone else picking up the pieces of a wrecked economy.

The University must come clean

As a campaign, we believe deeply that the University facilitates greenwashing and extends social license by accepting fossil fuel donations.

Why We Are Not All Elizabethans

Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral on Monday was packed with highly choreographed, magnificent and impressive ceremony. It was undeniably moving to see so many world...

(Women’s) football: the past, the present and hopes for the future

"Interest, support, strong passionate sentiments of support from prominent individuals – that is recent but professionalism, grit, and determination that has been displayed by the Lionesses is certainly not."

The scene at Buckingham Palace: an intersection of modernity and history

"The one person many looked to as a bulwark of stability for a lifetime is gone."

Why we were all Elizabethans

At seven o’clock on the evening of the Eighth of September 2022, the half-muffled peel of Great Tom sounded through the streets of Oxford,...

A Brit abroad: student reactions to Argentine assassination attempt

"The overwhelming tone on Thursday night was not one of grave solemnity nor political reflection, but of mockery and exasperation at yet another national crisis."

The slow death of liberty

The problem with all these superficially defendable laws is that they fundamentally change our understanding of what a right is.

What are Conservative Party Members thinking?

"What makes all of this even more crazy and difficult for me to get my head around is that the members seem blissfully unaware of just how unelectable Truss is"

Accessibility is More than a Bullet Point – On Liz Truss’ Oxbridge Pledge

"Accessibility is about empowerment. It is about knowledge – addressing the legitimate fears that state school students have and enabling them to make an informed choice about what studying at Oxford or Cambridge is like."

Oxford in the summer

"Oxford in the summer is truly a unique experience because there are the same dreaming spires without the dreamers."

Is Labour still about labour?

Some people have noticed that the Labour Party is becoming progressively detached from the needs of the working class.

A very Italian scandal: the story of Draghi’s fall

The uniqueness of Italian politics is its surreal and absurd dimensions.