Blindness is performed entirely via sound, forgoing expectations of a traditional stage set and impressing the audience with its skillful immersion. The play is...
"You wake up the next morning fifteen minutes before the submission deadline and after swiping through attempt after attempt of varying degrees of failure eventually arrive at the very first take."
When someone mentions British actors, who do you think of? Your mind probably jumps to people like Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston or Eddie Redmayne....
This week,
we saw the death of theatre director Terry Hands, acclaimed for his founding of
the Everyman in Liverpool among various other theatrical, notably
Shakespearean, endeavours....
It’s January 2020 and a new controversy has arrived to add
to the Britain’s collection. Popular discussion of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s
exit from...
What does it take to put on a show at Fringe? With the finish line in sight, Missing Cat discuss the joys and travails of their project: a raw and visceral rendition of Woyzeck.