This new production of Les Liaisons Dangereuses, a glamorous, engrossing period drama, showing at the Oxford Playhouse, is elevated by its stars into one of...
Oxford University’s History Faculty has experienced “unauthorised access” to its IT system. In response, several systems have been isolated and the IT staff is...
A team of Oxford researchers led by Associate Professor Dr. Luke Parry uncovered a 450-million-year-old arthropod from a fossil preserved in fool’s gold. This...
Magdalen College ranks the most popular and Mansfield College is the least applied-for, according to last year’s admissions report. 1,210 applicants hoping to spend...
CW: Death.
Following a student’s drowning after celebrating his exams last Trinity Term, Oxford University is reviewing and updating its guidelines on water hazards. Brasenose...
As the election for Oxford University’s chancellorship closes its first round, all but five candidates will be eliminated. Here’s some highlights of candidate statements, from...
Five candidates have progressed to the final round of the chancellor election: Lady Elish Angiolini, Rt Hon Dominic Grieve, Lord William Hague, Lord Peter...