Georgian independence petition discovered at Bodleian

The petition is the first documented occasion of the Georgian population protesting for further rights as a nation

Bodleian to exhibit unpublished JRR Tolkien artworks

The three works, which have never before been viewed by the public, date back to Tolkien’s early years in Oxford

Oxford charged students £50k more in library fines than any other university

King's College London was the only other university to collect fines of over £100,000

King of Spain tours Oxford during state visit

Felipe VI chose to end his state visit with a topical speech at the Bodleian Library

Denis Healey’s archives to be stored in the Bodleian

Wilson-era notes and letters accepted in lieu of £75,670 of inheritance tax

Mary Beard awarded Bodleian Libraries’ highest honour

Well-known Classics scholar awarded the Bodley medal

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