Following the release of The College Disparities Report, a subsequent College Disparities Campaign has announced its launch. The Campaign uses the findings of the...
The Christ Church Picture Gallery has free entry for Oxford students. It offers a chance to view one of the most impressive college art collections, with pieces spanning the 14th to 18th centuries
The Governing Body of Christ Church has approved a proposal to separate the responsibilities of the Dean into two roles, allowing non-clergy to head...
Following the completion of an independent review, Dominic Grieve KC has issued a report to Christ Church’s Governing Body which includes recommendations to separate governance of the college and the cathedral. For the first time in the college’s nearly 500-year history, the Review suggests that the Head of House does not need to be a member of the clergy.
Christ Church has been issued an official warning by the Charity Commission for the “mismanagement” of £6.6m spent in disputes with its former dean,...
King Charles III has become the official Visitor of Christ Church, Oriel College and University College, following his formal accession to the throne on...