COVID-19 Is Changing the Way We Socialise

'I can hardly offer them a virtual cup of tea when the conversation runs dry.' As our online interactions proliferate, Janae Byrne discusses the pitfalls of communicating via social media.

Oxford company to screen 15,000 drugs for COVID-19 cure

The Oxford-based company Exscientia will use artificial intelligence to evaluate over 15,000 drugs in order to test them for effectiveness in curing coronavirus. The...

LIVEBLOG: Covid-19 Updates

Latest Updates The University has announced that all university libraries and museums will be shut until further noticeTrinity Term teaching and assessment will be conducted...

University releases Trinity examination arrangements

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Martin Williams, has today released information on Trinity Term examinations. The changes are as follows: All first-year exams, with the exception of medicine and...

Satire: The Guide to Isolation

Everything is terrible right now. There seems little point in pretending otherwise. If you watch the news, you’re immediately sent into a spiral of...

Oxford City Council promises hotel rooms to homeless amid coronavirus outbreak

Oxford City Council has pledged additional support for rough sleepers amidst the COVID-19 outbreak. The City Council announced on Wednesday that it intended to provide hotel rooms...

Government funds three Oxford COVID-19 projects

Three University of Oxford research projects will receive shares of a £20million government investment to combat coronavirus. Six UK projects will benefit from this...

Music: In Isolation but not Isolated

Anna Gunstone reflects on how listening to music can remain a communal experience even in isolation.

The War Against Coronavirus: Life After the Pandemic

Ben O'Brien discusses the language of war in the fight against COVID-19 and asks what a 'post-corona' Britain will look like.

Oxford student sets up volunteer tutoring service

A student at the University of Oxford has founded the “Coronavirus Tutoring Initiative”, a service which pairs university students with school students in need...

This House Believes… This Government Has Been A Disaster

Proposition - Eleanor Ruxton, Keble College The last election was, for many, the political equivalent of being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Those...

Oxford finalists ask for a say on exam re-arrangements in Covid-19 outbreak

Finalists at Oxford have been compiling an Open Letter directed to Professor Martin Williams, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education at Oxford University, concerning their final...

Oxford student founds Coronavirus help group

An Oxford University student has set up a global initiative to provide food and supplies to those that are self-isolating due to Covid-19.  Frederik Filz...

Oxford Forgets Its Duty of Care

These are difficult times, unprecedent times. I’m sure that as little as a week ago few of us would have imagined that we would...

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