Friday, March 21, 2025

Tag: culture

Dispatches: faces and encounters in a letter from New York

Altair Brandon-Salmon reflects on finding the familiar and unexpected in a new city

Irresponsible escapists and the architecture of power

Thomas Thorne considers how escapism may be a powerful force for transgression

Tate Britain celebrates the playfulness and dynamism of David Hockney

Sabrina Ruia is captivated by a retrospective look at the artist's life

The guilt of gaming at Oxford

Charles Britton finds that university life has taken its toll on an all-consuming hobby

Review: ‘Free Fire’

Nancy Epton finds Ben Wheatley's latest picture unashamedly violent and highly quotable, yet ultimately shallow

Review: ‘T2 Trainspotting’

Louise Howland finds an addictive energy in sequel to cult classic Trainspotting

Spotlight: DFO

Will Cowie on those three magic letters

“Love and humanity scattered amid the horror”

Emily Lawford enjoys a genuinely frightening production of Macbeth

Spotlight: Emily the Snake

Emily the Snake are a funky outfit full of potential, says Will Cowie

A disturbing worldview undercut by patchy acting

Olivia Cormack finds that it's not just the costumes in Contractions that need ironing out

A night for dancing and jumping

Daniel Curtis is left reeling from White Lies’ unpolished yet momentous performance at Oxford’s O2 Academy

Zoom In: How to steal our jobs as Film and TV editors

Shivani Ananth and Katie Sayer tell you how to take over their legacy

Moonlight: a transcendent spectacle

Jonnie Barrow delights in Barry Jenkins' mesmeric exploration of identity

Single of the Week: Calvin Harris’ ‘Slide’

Natalia Bus basks in the DJ producer's sunny new collaboration

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