Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: diet

Meat and Potato: Why You Should Want Other People to Eat Less Meat.

"It makes sense for even the most ardent of meat-eaters to want meat for themselves, but veg for everyone else. So, how can we encourage other people to eat less meat?"

Gluten free – need or nonsense?

“Make a wish!” As I blow the thirteen candles out, an alarming ring from the kitchen phone pierces all illusions of birthday magic. I’m startled....

Netflix and Grill?

How a culture of 'binge-watching' may be changing our diets

Eating like a caveman

We must resist the recent movement towards counterfactual dietary and health advice.

‘New Year, New Diet’ – but will that fad diet do you any good?

The infamous 'fad diet' trend has serious drawbacks

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