Pieter Garicano, Cherwell Editor-in-Chief:
A feature of student journalism is the lack of distance between the journalist and their subject. The media in London get...
Pieter Garicano, Cherwell Editor-in-Chief:
Our front page this week deals with the mismarking of finals and their consequences. One student had a 64 marked as...
Pieter Garicano, Cherwell Editor-in-Chief:
Sometimes, things are as bad as they seem. A gale descends on the global economy. The energy and cost-of-living crisis will...
"It is not unreasonable to expect that students should not be disadvantaged by circumstances wholly beyond their control. That is why the editorial boards of The Oxford Blue, The Oxford Student and Cherwell are calling on the University of Oxford to introduce a fair ‘no-detriment’ policy for finalists."
Inspired by PANTONE's 2016 picks, the editorial for Week 4 Michaelmas 2016 featured swatch-like compositions inspired by our favourite colours of the season.