Oxford students join “million-strong” anti-Brexit march

Representing a number of political groups, the number of Oxford students who were in attendance is difficult to establish, but one source told Cherwell that over 50 Oxford students had marched.

University offers no deal Brexit advice for EU students

The new website explains that the University is now “making preparations” for the possibility that Britain leaves the EU without a deal.

Not even May knows what Brexit means

A People’s Vote on Brexit is a democratic imperative

Protests in Oxford against EU referendum result

Following the result of the EU referendum on Friday morning, events have been planned in Oxford to voice opinions on the outcome and its effect on Britain in the future.

Can 17,410,742 people be wrong?

While some may cry ‘vox populi vox dei’, it certainly wasn’t the voice of any God the people expressed last Thursday.

What now? The post-Brexit situation

Arun Dawson reflects on the aftermath of the EU referendum

The EU Referendum: We must not forget the 48.1 per cent

Freddie Hopkinson calls for a strong pro-EU front after the referendum results

Nick Clegg: Stronger in Europe

Nick Clegg arrived at the Blue Boar Lecture theatre slightly late. But he didn’t pause on arrival; wasting no time in delving into what...

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