Abolishing tuition fees would be a middle class cash grab

Such a move would imperil the quality of British universities, do little to make university more affordable, and be socially unjust.

Oxford SU petitions University to defer postgrad continuation fees

The Oxford Student Union (SU) has launched a petition calling on the University to defer all payment of graduate continuation fees until its reopening....

Should we reduce tuition fees?

Marcin Pisanski and Thomas Laver debate how we should respond to the recent government report.

Transcriptions for ‘illegible’ exams cost students over £30,000 since 2014

The average transcription costs over £144 at Oxford, compared to just £25 at St Andrew's.

Working-class students pay more for university, NUS report says

Spiralling accommodation fees are outstripping maintenance loans, leaving poorer students struggling to meet costs, the NUS says

Louise Richardson attacks “tawdry politicians” over tuition fees

Vice-chancellor accuses media and politicians of damaging the UK higher education sector

Opt in for lower battels—Wadham SU

If accepted, the plan would let students opt-in and receive a subsidy, paid for by increasing the fees of other students.

NUS snaps at maintenance grant scrap

Maintenance grants for students in the poorest threshold replaced by "lifetime debt"

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