Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: home

Reflections on my hometown

Something I miss about home is the sea. There’s a comfort in the fact it’s always there and never seems to change. When you...

Home, and how to find it

It seems like life after university is a journey to find our way home, whatever that means.

‘Home is where the heart is.’

"It can feel like a bit of a conflict - the home where I grew up now feels like a waiting room before I get back to my ‘real life’ at Oxford."

Hybrid homes – fitting and not

"Oxford terms are frequently described as fever dreams, digestible only through Instagram photo dumps and Facetime debriefs."

Ghosts in the Attic

'Unpack-repack. That recurring dream that you only have in your Home Bed...'

Wine and Weather Forecasts

Back in my childhood bedroom, I am stuck in an unpleasant time-warp, sixteen again and agonizing over awful boys, listening to utterly miserable Smiths songs. It’s the deja-vu experience no one wants.

In Regions Clear, and Far

there is no us without this city. Oxford is ours

Making Your Home Space Your Own

The world around us is changing at an alarming rate, forcing many of us to rethink our plans for the next few months. With these changes...


Home is a feeling of control and safety, a sense of contentment and quiet, peaceful joy.

A slow descent to hell

Cramped seating, culinary complaints and clapping for a landing. Becky Cook hates planes.

The culture of Homecoming, from a student’s eyes

Depictions of homecoming remind us of what makes returning home such a confusing experience

My town and my gown: chickpeas and televised murder

Nicola Dwornik illuminates some surprising similarities and differences between urban Oxford and bucolic Buckinghamshire

My town and my gown: from the Dreaming Spires to semi-rural obscurity

Maxim Parr-Reid laments the parochial mediocrity of a vacation spent in rural Buckinghamshire.

Home is where the art is—Doug Eaton and The Forest of Dean

Ewan Davis finds Doug Eaton’s unlikely colour palettes faithful to the landscape of the Forest of Dean

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