Monday, February 24, 2025

Tag: life

Snapshot: Brasenose Ball

Esmé Ash relives a night of sugar highs and The Jackson 5

Diamond-studded skies and carriages at 5am

Susannah Goldsbrough eulogises on the wonder of balls

College Insider: Christ Church

Our insider on rowdy bops and Barbour jacket syndrome

Blind Date: “It soon became apparent that we were quite different people”

George Dickinson and Laura Savage bond over politics, yoga, and disappointing ale

Friends with Benefit

Eimer McAuley and Jonny Adams discuss the transformative power of makeup

SnapShot: Boat Race afterparty

Matt Roller suffers through the afterparty at Embargo

A beginner’s guide to the all-night essay crisis

Eimer McAuley mentors us through the cold and dark hours of hitting the word count

Life Divided: Croquet

Akshay Bilolikar and Esme Ash weigh up the pros and cons of croquet, from all angles

The guilt of gaming at Oxford

Charles Britton finds that university life has taken its toll on an all-consuming hobby

Highway to hell

Susannah Goldsbrough reveals how she's driven herself around the bend

My town and my gown: between dreaming spires and magic roundabouts

Ellie Jerome finds that more divides Oxford and Swindon than a stretch of the A420

My town and my gown: “the world has slowed down around me”

Josh Travers resigns himself to the monotony of a Vac spent in Stockport

Friendship, Feminism and Fun(damental Rights)

India Parker talks to Jess Bollands, the President of the Oxford Belles, about the enormous success of their latest music video

My town and my gown: between Slough and Oxford

Jack Allsopp finds some surprising connections between his two homes from home

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