Oxford Black voices on Black History Month

"Black history is so diverse but for black people it can be complex to process; immense pride can be matched with sorrow and disappointment at the history of our people."

Is The Union worth it?

Ultimately the hefty price tag of membership is the pinnacle of deciding on membership or not.

Careers and Connections – the One Woman Mission

"Being an Oxbridge graduate is said to open doors - but not if you don’t know which doors to push."

Death to the Single-Sign-On

This kind of tokenistic “look-we’re-doing-something-helpful” attitude has seeped into every corner of routine Oxford life.

You shall go to the ball – The Trinity tale of breaking and entering

Ball-crashing can only be a liberationist act if it has no impact on the people who genuinely paid for their ticket.

A day in the life of an Oxford student

"From experience, it seems that when I turn up to tutes well-rested, I am roasted by the tutors, and when I wake up hungover, I am praised for my great ideas."

The University must come clean

As a campaign, we believe deeply that the University facilitates greenwashing and extends social license by accepting fossil fuel donations.

Oxford tops Times’ university rankings for first time in twelve years

"Oxford scored high across the board. The student to staff ratio was the lowest in the UK (10.5 to 1) and the university also ranks among the best for graduate prospects."

Oriental Studies Faculty to change name

"The name change better reflects the faculty’s ‘diversity of academic activity’ "

Oxford in the summer

"Oxford in the summer is truly a unique experience because there are the same dreaming spires without the dreamers."

Supermarkets could introduce ‘green labels’ after Oxford research

Plant-based foods faired better than meat alternatives with vegan sausages shown to have an impact 90% lower than that of their pork counterparts.

Balliol student ejected from accommodation

A contentious week of mounting disorder saw one disgraced Balliol student ejected from their accommodation. Boris Johnson, former president of the Oxford Union as well...

I finished my degree! Now what?

"Honestly, I think I just need a break from making decisions for a while."

Sports Ball sees award winners announced

This year marked a return to an in-person event and hundreds packed into the beautifully decorated main room in the City Hall for a sit-down three-course meal, with the winners being announced periodically throughout.

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