World-renowned comedian and actor Sir Michael Palin and Grammy-nominated sitarist Anoushka Shankar are among six people to be awarded honorary degrees from the University...
On Thursday night, the Oxford Union voted in favour of the motion ‘This House believes international climate policy is neo-imperialist.’ The final count had...
The Head of the Equality and Diversity Unit (EDU) at Oxford University has been criticised by academics for his support of Belgian police’s attempts...
Joining me this week is the radiant Phoebe Blue, a 2nd year classicist at Balliol, singer-songwriter, and bassist. Meeting me on a blustery Saturday...
Linacre College women’s first team names new boat after anti-pollution campaign group. The unveiling of River Action took place on 20 April at Linacre...
A new humanities facility, located in the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter along Woodstock Road, is to join the faculty buildings of Oxford University. The Schwarzman...
Following the release of The College Disparities Report, a subsequent College Disparities Campaign has announced its launch. The Campaign uses the findings of the...
Oxford’s Cornmarket Street and Queen Street are scheduled to undergo "extensive repair works’’. Andrew Gant, head of transport management, announced at Oxfordshire County Council’s...