Speaking at the Oxford Russian Club, the Russian Ambassador to the UK, Andrey Kelin, downplayed the brutality of Russian military action in Ukraine and said that refugees in Oxford who have fled the violence may return home if they want to, but will likely be conscripted.
Breaking news: Sunak hasn’t changed much. It’s the late nineties, Lincoln College is awaiting the arrival of an earnest, economically and socially conservative PPEist....
The University of Oxford has received an award from the Universities of Sanctuary for its continued commitment to helping those who have been forcibly...
Freedom of speech is something the Oxford Union champions. However, they often seem to breach the boundary between allowing freedom of speech and providing a platform to members of society who have rightly been banished for their views
Oxford’s School of Archaeology has recently found three new Roman camps across northern Arabia using Google Earth, through a remote sensing survey. The camps were identified using satellite imaging and may provide evidence of a formerly undiscovered and undocumented military campaign that spanned across east Jordan into Saudi Arabia.