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Tag: oxford

University releases updated guidance for students in light of May 17th changes

Oxford University has updated their arrangements for students after 17 May, following this week’s Government announcement.  Updated guidance for in-person teaching, returning to Oxford and...

Review: “Orestes”//Oxford Greek Play @ the Oxford Playhouse

"The intense and nuanced performances, the queasy mix of fear and fury palpable with a small glimmer of hope, made Oxford’s Orestes a very capturing play." Marietta Kosma reviews The Oxford Greek Play's production of Euripides' tragedy "Orestes".

Microsoft Power Apps popular in Oxford

The University is now one of the biggest users of ‘Power Apps’ in the UK. The apps, designed by Microsoft, can be crafted into...

Oxford: a fossil fool?

"In less than 10 years, the climate crisis will cause an additional 250 000 deaths per year, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Over a third of these will be due to childhood undernutrition. If the university wishes to remain at all consistent, it must stop accepting funding from fossil fuel companies." In the wake of the OCJC Report, Matilda Gettins argues against the monetary relationship between Oxford University and fossil fuel companies.

Review: Oxford Mind Comedy Gala

"There were two questions heading into the night: how much money could the crowd raise, and how well have the comedians adapted their acts to fit the online format? Both questions were answered emphatically, as the audience raised over £3000." Noah Cohen-Greenberg and Owen Foster review the Zoom comedy fundraiser, Oxford Mind Comedy Gala

A League of their Own? Oxford Colleges and Cabinet Representation

"I decided to grant Brasenose and Hugh’s joint-eighth and Christ Church tenth just because the latter didn’t have a former PM. Sorry, I don’t make the rules…wait, yes, I do!" Matthew Prudham takes a satirical glance at Oxford's Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet representation since 2010.

Why the feminists in my college still call me a whore

CW: rape Last month, as the United Kingdom reeled from the murder of Sarah Everard, we found ourselves realising once again what it means to...

Drawn to Nature: Flies

Animals come in many shapes and sizes, none more so than flies. There are flies that mimic other species, flies with incredible iridescent bodies,...

Precarity and prejudice: reflections from a Chinese student in Oxford

CW: Mentions of Racism. "As a Chinese student in the West, I have found myself constantly caught in between the entanglement of racialized identities and international political battles." Flair Donglai SHI reflects on prejudice in its different forms.

The topography of Oxford

"Then there were more obscure terms: "see you in Cowley". I must admit that given the notoriously well-articulated British pronunciation I honestly believed they were referring to a certain Cow Lake, which I then presumed to be located in Christchurch Meadow, given the cows. It appears that it is the name of the vibrant area south of Oxford." Nicola Carotenuto provides a satirical glance at Oxford student life and lingo.

Oxford University Music Faculty responds to media coverage

The Music Faculty offered an explanation to students about curriculum reforms on 6 April 2021, following media coverage in The Telegraph and Daily Mail....

The Role of a Lifetime? It’s Never Too Late

While actors profit from an ability to be malleable, it is often the case that they are stuck playing the roles they are ‘right...

A View Into Both Worlds: Being Mixed-Race in Oxford

CW: Racism, mentions of violence "Throughout my time in Oxford, people have blindly made jokes about the food I eat, my various foreign mannerisms, and other misplaced snubs at the expense of the Asian community. Maybe they thought I’d find them 50% funny. Maybe they didn’t care to realise they were not." 

Oxford City Council responds to concerns raised over Oxford street lighting

CW: Sexual assault, death  It Happens Here, an Oxford Student Union group tackling sexual violence, recently released a statement arguing that “street lighting in Oxford...

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