And on the seventh day, we found HER temple, feasted
on HER sight. Enthroned. Flanked by mammoths on both
sides. There, there! Berry-ringed fingers on berry-strung
A letterA single-cell, Stuttering, Reoccurring, Scrap on /The page /Fragmented/Born from pain …A zygote …Dividing… Turning inwards;Malformormed; Abortorted;Misbirthirthed-I would choose- An embryo that...
Girl, 22.
Average height,
Average weight.
Average-sized, father-figure shaped hole
2 inches left of lower sternum.
Needily accommodating
Selflessly self-deprecating
Outsize ego easily compactable
To fit all inferiority complex related needs.
Available for...
hronæsbansorrowful, weeping tears of salttaken, hunted, harpoonedfrom my blue lagooncrafted by you into this box.
hronæsbancarve me, recalcitrant though I ammay my banhus tell both...
Mohsen Mohamed may already be a familiar face for frequenters of Tudor Pret on Cornmarket Street. Stepping into its timbered, softly lit premises, it...
In search of localised wisdom, Cherwell spoke to one of Oxford’s own. Poetry sensation, Birmingham Young Poet Laureate (2018-20), Foyle Young Poet of the...