SU Council frustrated by rep absences

The meeting was four students short of reaching a quorum, so no business could be voted on. Committee elections, a resolution to ban slates, and approval of National Union of Students affiliations were all on the agenda.

Judge representative films on merit not just diversity

The films of women and POC must be judged meritocratically and not just for their representation

How Oxford culture is dominated by the most privileged

The issue is not a simple matter of discrimination but long term deficiencies in cultural upbringing in less privileged students

Asian actors are invisible in Hollywood

Vivien Zhu argues that change from studios and in racial attitudes is necessary to make progress on the under representation of Asian actors

Disney princesses and ‘Lolita’: the danger of men writing women

Carolina Earle explores how masculine fantasies have shaped and corrupted our childhood obsessions

Representing The Impossible

Cinema will never be able to represent the horrors of the Holocaust, but Son of Saul offers a sensitive try, writes Jem Bartholomew

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