Oxford University worker told Muslim woman to ‘go home’

Aisha Ali Khan says she was told to “go home” by an Oxford University worker during a conversation on politics. According to Khan, Dr...

Sex, drugs and gender roles: Frank Turner’s historical concept album

A discussion of the new historical concept album from Frank Turner, "No Man's Land".

University hosts week of events highlighting diversity in STEM

The events aimed to explore the intersection between sex, gender, disability, sexuality, and race in STEM

Cat-calling – who’s the real pussy?

Content warning: discussion of sexual harassment. The first time I got wolf-whistled at I was eleven years old. I was walking down a hill in...

Gender pay gap: Vice-Chancellor criticises “frustratingly slow” progress

The mean gender pay gap amongst Oxford University staff has decreased slightly from 24.5% to 22.6% but remains higher than the national average.

Student “asked to leave” after bringing her toddler to Oxford talk on “Women and leadership”

Green Templeton student Ania Kordala alleged that she was told she was not allowed to bring her child to the talk on gender equality, which was given by former Australian prime minister Julia Gillard.

Ex-cricketer leaves students outraged with ‘sexist’ speech at Brasenose Sports Dinner

Several students "walked out" during Don Topley’s speech.

Why the “stupid woman” palaver is just a storm in a teacup

The attention attracted by Corbyn's alleged comments only demonstrate misguided journalistic priorities

Unequal and Unfair: Women’s football at Oxford needs urgent reform

If the university does not prioritise women’s football, it is hard to see how or why anyone else would.

Graduations delayed as women told to cover up

At one single graduation ceremony, ten women were turned away for not wearing socks

Sexism in Jazz

Lola Grieve explores the underrepresentation of women in jazz in discussion with female jazz musicians at Oxford

Let’s Talk About: Everyday Sexism

Eleanor Harris argues that while everyday sexism is very real, the term itself detracts from the feminist movement as a whole

Materials department slammed for ‘sexist’ invite

Department of Materials alumna Anna Ploszajski received the invitation and took to Twitter, using the popular hashtag #everydaysexism

The Lady Downstairs

Does the bush exist with only God to judge it?

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