Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920

Tag: stress

The culture of Homecoming, from a student’s eyes

Depictions of homecoming remind us of what makes returning home such a confusing experience

How To: Survive Oxmas

Honor Brocklebank-Fowler offers some festive tips for getting through Oxmas

University isn’t a race for a job

Colleen Cumbers argues that corporate presentations and networking events on campus, whilst they have the ability to be helpful, have the potential to be overwhelming, placing unnecessary stress on young students

Oxford throws freshers in at the deep end without teaching them how to swim

Oxford provides a 'baptism of fire' for freshers, writes Emily Patterson

Oxford’s burning destruction

Daniel Curtis considers the boiling point of Oxford’s stress levels as we near the end of Trinity

Of Dogs, Doughnuts and Depression – 4

Nathan Chan redefines success and revels in smaller achievements

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