The art of being silly

"...Give yourself license to do something stupidly silly and sillily stupid while you’re still here."

“Staying in the trouble” at Oxford

“Staying with the trouble”. This was a quote from feminist geographer and all-round academic queen Donna Haraway (2016), cited in Elwood and Leszczynski’s (2018)...

‘Personal imprint’: an interview with the founder of Tree Artisan Café

"There is more love, more passion. With chains, whoever you are, you are a number. It is completely different to when you have a focus on the people".


After two years of getting used to learning over Zoom and Teams, a return to in-person teaching for everyone is hopefully within sight. Advice...

Productivity fanatics: A society that’s forgotten to press pause

There’s a wonderful irony to the fact that the mediums we turn to so frequently for procrastination are the mediums that shame us the...

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