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Tag: theatre

Review: Play House and Definitely the Bahamas 

"The problem of changing from one play to the other, without an interval or blackout, was one Lawrence dealt with very competently"

A list of brilliant things about ‘Every Brilliant Thing’

"This performance... is likely to have made a lasting impression on every single person who has watched it."

Review: Entertaining Mr Sloane

"Brook’s production moved between playing the world for laughs and playing it real enough that the audience was left with lingering unease."

Review: Black Blood

"The most interesting elements of the play are the characters themselves, and their relationships outside the murder plot."

Review: I Will Delete This Story

"I found that I Will Delete This Story left me wishing that the titular promise had already been fulfilled."

“A fantastic story of love and liberation”: An interview with the cast and director of ‘An American In Paris’

"It’s been a process of figuring out how we can tease out those themes of love and liberation."

The Story Behind Noah Wild’s ‘I Will Delete This Story’

“Growing up when the past won't let you go”

Dead Man’s Suitcase: A Review

"At once funny and profound, Dead Man’s Suitcase is a treat for the senses."

“Who am I, and who do I love?”: Neil Bartlett’s adaption of Orlando

Ursula White reviews Neil Bartlett's adaption of Orlando at the Garrick Theatre starring Emma Corrin as Orlando.

Confessions of a Theatre Kid: Debunking The Myth

"This problematic and relentless framing of the theatre kid as marginalised or an 'underdog'... misses the fact that the arts are propped up by privilege."

“A thrilling look into disjunctive relationships”: Fêtid Review

"Morgan’s multi-faceted script offers a combination of dark comedy and depth which keeps the audience consistently intrigued."

“Refreshingly ambiguous” – Review of Wishbone

"Wishbone offers an insightful and tender portrayal of the complicated emotions tied up in a relationship".

‘After Life’: A review

After Life was an understated joy – a brilliant, bittersweet highlight of Week 7.

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