For some authors, the Bodleian Libraries have not always a safe haven for their work. Although marginalised texts are no longer demarcated with the phi symbol on their spines, with many having re-entered the undergraduate canon, Sophie Price discusses the valuable lessons we can learn from the Bodleian blacklist which remain pertinent today.
The Bodleian Libraries have gained ownership of the autographed manuscript of Johann Sebastian Bach’s cantata for Ascension Day – ‘Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein’ –...
"As I exit the library, it strikes me that in its memorials of people long deceased and its unchanging historical landscape, Oxford seems often at a standstill."
"The exhibition will take its visitors on a unique journey through the history of the slave trade by forcing them to consider the simple tools that ultimately enabled this systemic persecution."
"Dealing with a shortage of library slots since Michaelmas, the Bodleian Library has introduced a new booking system whereby students who fail to turn up to sessions without cancelling beforehand risk being suspended from the service."
“The only way to keep us safe is to immediately close all open libraries and move to remote services only, with measures put in place to minimise the risk of travel."
Students returning to Oxford for Michaelmas have found the system put in place over the summer by the Bodleian Libraries increasingly impractical. With library...
The first wall of this Weston Library exhibition focuses on Oxford, offering the visitor visions of Oxfords which could have been and those which remain in the past.
This Saturday, the Bodleian Libraries is holding an event to
celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing.
The Lunar Activity Day, which will be held...