Monday, February 24, 2025

Tag: brexit

Don’t delete Facebook – wise up

We should bring a healthy dose of scepticism to what we encounter online

County Council bans pro-EU bus from Broad Street

Oxfordshire County Council initially claimed it “could not permit political advertising"

Magdalen JCR rejects new Brexit rep

The proposer accused Remainers of "microaggressions" against Brexiters

Radio Four’s money man on fake news media

An interview with Tim Harford reveals that knowledge does not protect us from prejudice

Oxford’s dependence on EU funds revealed

The University is determined to maintain European links that fund half the budget of several departments.

Peter Preston Obituary: A journalist who believed in action

Peter Preston, who died last week, knew that no one should escape scrutiny.

Academic exodus continues

The resignation of 230 EU academics is "very serious for Oxford"

Alastair Campbell: the convictions of a spin doctor

When we were growing up, he was the man on the inside. But after Brexit, Alastair Campbell is out in the cold. He tells Ethan Croft how to change Britain's future

Review: Fall Out

Tim Shipman reveals the chaos and bitterness of post-referendum politics

Blue passports remind us that Brexit is not for the young

Making British passports blue is an empty gesture, not a victory.

Oxford hosts leadership programme to tackle Brexit effects

Thirty postgraduates from European universities have gathered at Balliol to address Europe's social issues.

The shameful truth about Churchill

Despite Winston Churchill's major role in one of the greatest famines in the history of mankind he is still unduly lauded by the British people

Ireland and the impossibility of Brexit

Adam John Ellison questions whether we can ever truly close the door on Europe if it means carving up our own nation

In conversation with Matt Maltese

Ollie Braddy discusses 'brexit pop' and the London music scene with singer-songwriter Matt Maltese

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