Sunday, February 23, 2025

Tag: BT studio

‘The modern cult of the Girl Boss’ – Review: She Felt Fear

"Surrounded by the pressure to be beautiful, to craft a beautiful life, and to appreciate beauty, is it any wonder that Kathy goes a bit crazy? She Felt Fear is a portrait of hysteria in the twenty-first century."

‘Mortality and the human condition’ – Review: Wednesday, Death Meditation

"This uncomplicated plot provides Worth with rich opportunities for philosophical musings, with ideas explored in the piece ranging from the abrupt to the more profound."

Oscar Wilde, the 70s, and psychiatrists: The Importance of Being Nihilists

"It digs into some of the most important things we have to face in our lives. Sexuality, family, the education system, the way we judge others and ourselves."

Review: Please Clap // 00Productions

'Overall, I very much enjoyed Please Clap. Experimental, and at the same time digging into the solemn secrets of celebrity and humanity, the fakery of the media and the forgery of façades, this was a show to be applauded.'

Review: Songs of the Silenced // Musketeer Productions

In the maelstrom of reinterpretations of misunderstood Homeric women and Greek tragedy revivals, the show’s lyrics stand out for consistently centring the core themes and questions asked by the ancient texts themselves.

Review: 2nd May 1997 // Love Song Productions

2nd May 1997 manages to use a pivotal moment in political history to explore three very different relationships and the difficulties they face. It is performed with grace and humour, using the political events as a mirror that reflects the difficulties of each pair’s situation.

“These are full humans that we have to take in”: An Interview with the Cast of Quartet

I wrote Quartet over a year and a half ago in early 2020, sitting down for an hour every morning to chip away at it as my way of getting through a term in lockdown. Having handed over my script to the trusted hands of Alex Foster (director) and our stunning actors, I was itching to find out how Quartet has developed.

Preview: Pleading Stupidity

As Storm Dennis raged, I wondered if it was strictly necessary that I went to the preview of Pleading Stupidity.It was a whole six minutes’...

Review: Malcolm The Miserable

Ottilie Mitchell reviews new play Malcolm The Miserable at the BT studio.

Review: Hustlers – ‘a refreshingly raw play’

Hoof and Horn productions impress with a candid look into prostitution and the AIDS crisis

Review: The Witch of Edmonton – Elizabeth Sawyer’s story ‘is brought to the fore’

Delivered in the form of a virtual ghost tour, Hoof and Horn Productions' take on The Witch of Edmonton offers an original retelling of Elizabeth Sawyer's story.

Preview: The Witch of Edmonton – ‘promises a sufficiently sinister experience’

Hoof and Horn Productions' take on The Witch of Edmonton heads to the BT Studio in Seventh Week

Staging Invisibility

The writer of Week Seven's Hustlers at the BT discusses the concept of the hustler and diversity in theatre

Review: Ordinary Days – ‘brings the score to life in quite an extraordinary way’

A rom-com premise gives way to a brilliant musical at the BT, with endearing and relatable performances

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