Following concerns raised by a number of students surrounding academic arrangements for Trinity term, Cherwell reached out to Martin Williams, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education for...
The University of Oxford has released its examination ‘Safety Net Policy’ this morning. This policy has been made for subjects where remote assessments are...
The Oxford Student Union has released the results of the Teaching and Assessment Student Consultation (TASC) which received a total of 5462 submissions. This...
On Wednesday 25th March I released an Open Letter to the University advocating for a ‘guaranteed minimum’ grade to be implemented to protect students particularly...
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Martin Williams, has today released information on Trinity Term examinations.
The changes are as follows:
All first-year exams, with the exception of medicine and...
In the UK, according to a survey by the Heads of eLearning Forum, more than 60% of universities have introduced e-exams in at least one or two modules.