Monday, March 10, 2025

Tag: Featured

Somerville Choir to tour India

Somerville's College Choir to tour India on a charitable trip later this month

Nigel Owens to referee upcoming Varsity match

Nigel Owens has been confirmed to referee the 138th Varsity match

Uni has ‘systematically failed to listen’ to trans students

The report found that 65% of transgender students believed the University had a “negative” or “very negative” effect on their mental health

Oxford’s accessibility crisis

With University departments failing to comply with disabilities policy, Cherwell speaks to the students the Oxford system is forgetting

Students hold consent protest following Irish rape trial

About 100 people gathered in protest of the recent trial, in which the alleged victim’s underwear was used as evidence against her in court

Revealed: the “hidden casualisation” of University staff

55.3% of staff held fixed-term contracts in July 2017

Cellar reaches £80k crowdfunding target

The nightclub has raised enough money to undertake building renovations needed to prevent its closure

Over half of Oxford libraries lack full step-free access

The report revealed the extent of the University's accessibility problems

David Cameron to visit Oxford

He will visit his old college Brasenose for an exclusive event

Police looking into Nazi salutes at Bannon protests

An Oxford student filmed the men who were part of a counter-protest

Purple Turtle to close down

The night club failed to agree a new lease with the Oxford Union

Jesus College accused of controversial evangelical group ‘cover-up’

Jesus is now the third Oxford college to have hosted Christian Concern in recent years, along with Exeter and Trinity, whilst LMH is currently considering whether or not to host the group

Union Standing Committee vote to continue with Bannon event

Officials voted narrowly to not cancel the event, despite pressure from student groups

Revealed: Oxbridge’s offshore millions

Oxford colleges are to be hauled before Parliament as they continue to invest millions in offshore funds

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