The little things

It can be easy to forget the power of beauty and gratitude. After struggling with depression, the little things can make your day. Like a pen.

The Language of Cooking

Under Oxford’s dreaming spires and overlooking Magpie Lane’s centuries-old cobbles is a simple modern kitchen. I like to think of it as my friends’...

0th Week: ‘Dough(nut) trust strangers!

Thursday evening. Eighth week. My head has finally stopped spinning after a tumultuous Park End (I think). A crinkled pastry bag is tucked under...

Fasting and Feasting: food as the love language of the Arab world

"Whether fasting or feasting, the togetherness is what’s important."

Feeding my friends

Food, or feeding people, is often cited as a “love language”.

Setting the Scene: When location becomes character

I can remember the first time I watched The Revenant in an empty screening at my local cinema. It was during the height of...

Finding friends: what’s the hurry?

We talk about the rat race: the fiercely competitive struggle for success, the unrelenting battle we rage against our peers to come out on top. But...

Spoons? Spoons.

An exploration of why we love Britain's most quintessential student pub chain.

Letter To: My Oxford friends

Deep into the long vac, Annie reflects on her first year friendships

Letter To: My friends from home

Going home inevitably means seeing people you knew before Oxford

Could Friends be any more problematic?

Rewatching the sitcom in 2018 makes me feel uncomfortable

TV memes for deadline-drowning teens

Becky Cook comments on the importance of film and TV shows in meme culture

Dispatches: Friends, Ulysses, and the value of a story’s ending

Ellie Duncan considers how endings reflect a need for stories

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