Tales from the Household: Lockdown
Monday, 6:32 p.m. The email arrives saying someone in the house has tested positive and you’re going into isolation for 14 days. We lead...
COVID-19 and Sexual Harassment: The Hidden Dangers of the New Normal
Many women have reported feeling far less safe stepping outside since lockdown and social distancing measures were imposed in the UK.
Love, actually: dating in 2020
I can’t lie, when I heard the news that we’d probably all be holed up in our rooms for the next few months, without...
Review: Lost Horizon
Of all the emotions that may be stirred in one during the current Coronavirus lockdown, tranquility is perhaps not the most obvious choice. Yet...
A country without libraries: what we are missing
You might think that working in a library would be a nice, peaceful job. That’s what I thought too. After spending two years working...
The intimacy of isolation: reflections on performing alone
“Lights up. The actor is alone” - type aspiring
playwrights all over the world, unconsciously in unison. I anticipate reading this
line (or something similar) over...
Home Workouts: A Guide
With term looming and a reading list down to our feet, we’re all getting our fair share of mental exercise. But with thinking comes frustration, and...
Isolation style guide: How to get out of the pyjama day slump
We are spending more of the
vacation indoors than we intended to… and with that comes the temptation to
crawl into bed in our pyjamas and...
Folding@Home: the virtual fight against a global pandemic
As we all isolate at home in the middle of this outbreak, it is difficult not to feel powerless. We are not medical professionals,...
#IsolationCreations: How the Ashmolean is encouraging creativity in isolation
Prompted by an object from the collection, anyone may share a creative response
Pick up a Book! Rekindling a Love Affair
I will rekindle the love affair with reading that I left behind when I came to Oxford.
Music: In Isolation but not Isolated
Anna Gunstone reflects on how listening to music can remain a communal experience even in isolation.
“Clue” as a Chamber Piece for Our Time
I’ve only been away from Oxford for a week. I’ve only spent a week in isolation at home with my parents. But a week...
Dramatics in Isolation: The Nightly Met Opera Streams Reviewed
On the 13th of March, the Met
Opera’s Twitter announced that they would begin a series of ‘nightly live
streams’ of beloved operas for anyone with...