Sunday, February 23, 2025

Tag: life

How To: Survive Oxmas

Honor Brocklebank-Fowler offers some festive tips for getting through Oxmas

Life Divided: Do you miss Oxford during the vac?

Are you pining after crippling academic pressure, or just enjoying being reunited with sleep? Priya Vempali and Joanna Lonergan debate Oxford nostalgia

“You can’t deny that Spoons’ founder Tim Martin is one of the few true heroes of our generation.”

BrewDog is overpriced ale for wannabe hipsters. Alec Fullerton thinks you should head to Spoons instead.

“The internet is crying out for interesting video content”

Cat Bean chats student cooking with Mob Kitchen’s Ben Lebus

Love Oxland semi-final

“The food was free, so we ordered the most expensive things on the menu.”

“There is a social expectation that men should just ‘deal with it’”

It’s time to take men’s mental health more seriously, writes Fraser Macdonald-Lister

Life Divided: College Bars

Bessie Yuill and Joanna Lonergan debate with no holds barred

“I’m carrying two paper bags. One contains a croissant, the other my soul”

It’s time to stop demonising a corporate career choice and accept the rent-paying reality, writes Nicola Dwornik

How to end a night out with any positivity

Millie Chu helps you through the best part of a night out: going home

“You know it’s the centenary of the Russian Revolution, right?”

James Tibbles sees a disconnect between Russian and British approaches to the Revolution’s centenary

Dough we really need another pizza place?

Franco Manca calls food chain creativity into question, writes Cat Bean.

How to maintain dominance in the library

Priya Vempali shows you what it takes to shine in the library

Poland’s passionate fungal love affair

The mushroom is the golden chalice of Polish culture, muses Jamie Onslow

Love Oxland: ‘I was surprised when Fred turned on a puppy and aggressively kicked it’

Izzy Agerbak and Fred Dimbleby find animal rights an obstacle to romance

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