Doubts on Banksy

What is so enticing – and infuriating – about this mystery man’s slapdash approach to political commentary?

Trump’s sentence may do more harm than good

If we truly want to have the best chance at avoiding a second Trump term and maintaining a functional rule of law, it would be prudent to stop focusing on the New York case and instead focus on actual political issues, or even the other cases against the former president.

Has the term democracy lost its meaning?

“Democracy” covers all that is deemed good, so any regime that wants to increase its legitimacy will bend logical definitions to prove itself.

International events and the phantasm of unity

So it is up to us, as viewers, not to be lulled into complacency by the glamour and spectacle they present.

Orange is the new orange – the many trials of DJ Trump

"Trump coming through these trials and remaining electable would be an indictment and a warning for institutional decay which demands a response."

Reading political autobiographies, so you don’t have to

Publishing a book has long been a trend for those leaving government in the UK. Memoirs and autobiographies are naturally intriguing, offering us the...

Investment in (men’s) sports needs to slow down.

"When investments are made into the women’s game, it is a decision by shareholders and investors to grow the sport in the name of fans, the competitors involved and for the general growth of the sport. When a large investment is made on the men’s side, I’m not sure the intentions are the same. It tends to come down to one thing alone: financial incentive."

Week 3 editorial

Pieter Garicano, Cherwell Editor-in-Chief: Our front page this week deals with the mismarking of finals and their consequences. One student had a 64 marked as...

Comment highlights MT21

'Impossible to choose' Leah Mitchell We’ve had so many great articles this term that I found it impossible to choose just one! My particular highlights were...

Seen and not heard: the film industry’s troubled relationship with female directors

Scarlett Colquitt responds to the claim that "women directed films have a softer tone" with an examination of role of female directors in today's film industry.

Opinion: Why I won’t volunteer for access events

"When it comes time for college to recruit volunteers for open days, I find myself asking why, as a gay working-class man, would I recommend someone to study in a place which has made me feel so unwelcome."

OPINION: The new foreign policy and international aid ‘super-department’ suggests the Government is choosing politics over people

"Aid must be apportioned on the basis of necessity first and foremost, not dictated by foreign policy interests"

Liberalism’s Moment of Truth

The night overtaketh the day, the four horsemen draw near, and pestilence approacheth. The apocalypse is at hand, and the state, in shining armour,...

Calm Down About Your Five-Year Plan

Timea Iliffe questions at what point we all started living by the unspoken five year plan

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