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Tag: oxford

Packing: too much or too little?

"You are lugging into your accommodation a suitcase that is so heavy it seems you have packed enough bricks to build a two-storey semi-detached."

EXCLUSIVE: Malala, AJ Tracey, and Imran Khan to speak at the Oxford Union in MT22

The Oxford Union’s termcard for Michaelmas Term 2022 promises an exciting lineup of big names and events. Ahead of its full release on Friday...

The University must come clean

As a campaign, we believe deeply that the University facilitates greenwashing and extends social license by accepting fossil fuel donations.

“Broad Meadow” returns as city centre road goes car-free

Work has begun to turn busy Oxford thoroughfare Broad Street into a car-free pedestrian park complete with trees, lawns, and outdoor seating for 18...

Oriental Studies Faculty to change name

"The name change better reflects the faculty’s ‘diversity of academic activity’ "

‘Personal imprint’: an interview with the founder of Tree Artisan Café

"There is more love, more passion. With chains, whoever you are, you are a number. It is completely different to when you have a focus on the people".

Oxford in the summer

"Oxford in the summer is truly a unique experience because there are the same dreaming spires without the dreamers."

Supermarkets could introduce ‘green labels’ after Oxford research

Plant-based foods faired better than meat alternatives with vegan sausages shown to have an impact 90% lower than that of their pork counterparts.

OURFC condemns Rugby Football Union’s ‘trans ban’

The Oxford University Rugby Football club has released a statement condemning the decision of the Rugby Football Union Council to imposed a on ban...

A crisis on our doorstep: threats to abortion rights are closer than you think

This ‘distant’ despair is much closer than we fear.

Downpours, ‘dank beats’ and Dionysus: reviewing the Christ Church Ball

"Sadly due to the weather, the belle époque extravagance morphed into a muddy wallow in the meadow"

Sports Ball sees award winners announced

This year marked a return to an in-person event and hundreds packed into the beautifully decorated main room in the City Hall for a sit-down three-course meal, with the winners being announced periodically throughout.

Scenes with Girls: In conversation with Love Song Productions

"The dialogue is simultaneously so realistic and so weird and the characters and themes felt like they would really ring true to a student audience."

The University must take a look at itself before dishing out trashing fines

While climate change is at the top of the University's agenda in research and development, the University seems to have little qualms about accepting funds from the world's mega polluters.

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