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Tag: psychology

“To know how somebody really feels about you, ignore everything they say. Look at how they touch you.”

Robin Dunbar is Emeritus Professor of Evolutionary Psychology at the University of Oxford, famous for his research on social networks and friendships. He is...

 Towards a case against self-improvement

"Self-improvement, the desire to be a better human being, has been the endeavour of philosophers since ancient times and is obviously integral to the human experience."

The Power of the Placebo Effect

The placebo effect is a phenomenon which clearly illustrates that having belief in the effectiveness of a treatment can be enough to cause significant...

The Human Impulse

Investigating the social and biological imperatives behind art

Binge shopping – a no brainer?

Exploring the science behind the 'treat yourself' mentality

Research team uncover the mystery of sleep

The group of Oxford scientists used fruit flies to examine how our minds pass a "tipping point" into sleep

Left-wing academics are sexier than right-wingers, study suggests

Despite “scruffy” appearance, left-wing scholars are more attractive than well-groomed right-winger counterparts, psychologists say

Students affected by Tinbergen closure

Students have been hit by a string of relocations and delays for practical work and lectures following the closure of the Tinbergen building on...

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