Sunday, February 23, 2025

Tag: student

An Oxfess on Oxlove

"...instead of reaching for your phone to share your love, take a chance on people in real life."

The conundrums of a PhD: student or employee?

"We get paid, but don’t have to pay tax, carry out research but are not a member of staff, and sometimes even teach other year groups what we know."

Turtle Bay review – The Caribbean arrives in Oxford

"The remarkable thing about Turtle Bay is how it manages to cater to so many different customers and markets successfully."

A guide to academic life

"Nobody expects you to turn up knowing everything - otherwise there would be no point in you being here!"

A day in the life of an Oxford student

"From experience, it seems that when I turn up to tutes well-rested, I am roasted by the tutors, and when I wake up hungover, I am praised for my great ideas."

Investigation reveals “unacceptable” levels of sexual harassment across University of Oxford

A five-month long Cherwell investigation indicates that there have been a minimum total of 93 complaints of sexual harassment across the University of Oxford since the beginning of the 2017/18 academic year. 

Modern Languages students slam Year Abroad Office failings

" Students told Cherwell that the Year Abroad Office provided minimal mental health support, a lack of meaningful assistance for students from working-class backgrounds, and has repeatedly disseminated false information and guidance. In one case, University failings led to students being scammed when applying for health insurance cards."

Oxford Brookes plan for new student accommodation rejected again

This is now the second time such an application has been rejected, despite the recommendation of the Council’s planning officers that the Council approve the application. In 2019 a similar plan was rejected unanimously by the council, with concerns raised especially over the height of the new buildings.

Review: “The Arnolfini Portrait” by Tamsyn Chandler

"The Arnolfini Portrait was an intricate, sophisticated project with a controlled yet bold execution. Every element of sound was carefully considered, and I took great satisfaction in being guided along Jean’s journey through the various mediums of sound." Beth Ranasinghe reviews the audio production of "The Arnolfini Portrait" by The Industry Magazine Podcast.

Review: “Orestes”//Oxford Greek Play @ the Oxford Playhouse

"The intense and nuanced performances, the queasy mix of fear and fury palpable with a small glimmer of hope, made Oxford’s Orestes a very capturing play." Marietta Kosma reviews The Oxford Greek Play's production of Euripides' tragedy "Orestes".

Oxford student street style

Whether it be the edgy hoodie or the Keith Haring top or the khaki chinos, there is always a spark of "fashpiration" to glean from any Oxford student strutting down Broad Street.

Fast fashion means a slow death for the planet this Christmas

Kat Cooper explores the true environmental cost of high-street fashion

How to manage your work

Whether it's problem sheets or essays, here are some top tips to remember when it starts to pile on

Formals: The truth behind the tradition

An introduction to formal halls

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