
"Raised in the endless, relentless summer of tropical living, snapshots of summer swamp my memories of childhood – beachside days, aching sunburns, blond locks tainted unflatteringly green by chlorinated pools."

On my white window ledge

'Now I see them yield to the light, papery and, with old age, translucent.'

Confessions of an (un)qualified Au Pair

“Don’t you dare cry. Don’t let them see a chink in your armour,” I told myself. Commands, negotiations and bribes had failed miserably, simply falling on...

Vita and Virginia (2019)- Review

"...probably best left a source of nice stills and Pinterest GIFs."

What makes a good remake?

From complete overhauls to animation updates, then, what is it that an audience actually want from a remake?

Does the new Lion King roar?

It was only a matter of time before Disney’s 1994 animated film The Lion King fell victim to the ‘live-action’ remake and it should come as...

‘Spider-Man: Far from Home’: Marvel’s much-loved web-slinger swings back into action

"A pitch-perfect teenage (read: awkward) romance with great action, all anchored by solid performances from the ever-maturing cast."

Rate my tinny!

It's 2019's first heatwave and that means tinnies in the park. But why settle for lager when you can have cocktails? Ellen Sharman reviews what's on offer.

A sport for everyone?

Why croquet is a sport which thrives in its contradictions

On summer style: what we did on our holiday

A different way of approaching freedom in fashion

Voluntourism: how a booming industry has real world consequences

Combining volunteering with tourism often harms rather than helps disadvantaged communities

How Instagram ruined your summer

Can no one's summer be unproductive?

Shaking up an “Office”

A workspace and a fun-space

Love Island’s connection to World Cup fervour

These two hotly contested competitions have gripped the nation this summer, and are more similar than you might expect

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