The HAPPIEST SEASON to be queer

With Christmas comes family and with family comes movies. It’s that time to cuddle up cosy on the sofa and watch yet another Reese...

The perfect vegetarian Christmas

"The veggie haggis should indeed gain a position as a roasted staple around the British dinner table; cheap, healthy, easy to cook and universally delectable."

Oxford Christmas Light Festival organisers adapt to meet COVID guidelines

This weekend’s Oxford Christmas Light Festival will look different to previous years, as the event’s organizers trade in large street performances and crowded light...

Pre-Christmas lockdown considered for English universities

The government is considering a two-week lockdown for universities in England from 8th-22nd December, it has been reported. Boris Johnson has vowed to “get students home for...

And a merry christmess

It is hardly a ground-breaking revelation that Christmas is an extremely wasteful enterprise. However, due to my mum’s insistent anti-palm oil venture, this year's would be a truly green Christmas, whatever that means.

The paradoxical toxicity of the ‘January detox’

Clare Tierney explores the phenomenon of post-Christmas diet culture.

Pantomime: does it still deserve a place on the modern theatrical scene? (Oh, yes it does!)

Emily Capon argues that pantomime (when done well) still has an important place in the modern theatre.

How the Grinch Stole the Christmas Number One

Many years ago, all the good girls and boys of the United Kingdom would get a special present from Santa every Christmas – a...

Is the Christmas vac actually the worst holiday of the year?

In very simple terms, yes: the Christmas vacation is arguably the worst of the year. It is usually the shortest— 39 days this year. It may...

Tis the Season to be Sustainable

Tara Mewawalla provides some tips on how to have a 'Green Christmas' this year.

Santa Claus pays special visit to Oxford Children’s Hospital

Patients at Oxford Children’s Hospital received a very special visit from Father Christmas today. Arriving in a Puma HC2 helicopter rather than his usual...

‘A bit of Bah Humbug’: Christmas in Great Expectations

Dickens is the perfect post-Christmas antidote to anyone exhausted by the festive season

The omnipresence of Christmas in the UK, from someone who didn’t celebrate it

Maybe because I didn’t grow up with Christmas, and find little personal reason to celebrate the birth of Christ.

The decline of Wonderland: festive fun or Christmas consumerism?

"Hyde Park’s Winter Wonderland has become a behemoth, logistically impossible and perhaps overhyped extortionate vehicle of money wasting and consumerism."

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