"This is creating a self-perpetuating cycle of eco-friendly products being targeted more towards women, thus eco-friendly branding becoming more feminised. The backlash of this is that more environmentally damaging branding is targeted at men".
Annie Liddell writes about the gender disparity when it comes to fighting against environmental decline.
Following on from the recent report published by the Oxford Climate Justice Campaign uncovering the links between Oxford and the fossil fuel industry, Cherwell...
'Common Ground, a student led organisation bringing attention of the University’s colonial past, said: “Climate justice is racial justice, and the university cannot claim to be a ‘climate leader’ or ‘anti-racist’ whilst still having such extensive ties to the fossil fuel industry”.'
"As sovereign-bonds issued during the Covid-19 pandemic mature over the next 30 or even 100 years, governments will “either have to invest to mitigate climate change as part of their commitments under the Paris climate agreement — or face the costs of global warming directly”, according to the report."
The Oxford Climate Justice Campaign has released a report outlining the University of Oxford’s links to the fossil fuel industry, arguing that “Oxford must...
"You don’t need to “be an activist” to take action." Matilda Gettins explores why, today more than ever, it is important to reflect on social protest movements.
"The Chinese government is, on the whole, more committed to the EV transition and they have promising start-ups. I forecast that China’s EV market will continue to lead global demand and there will be a rise of Chinese automakers." Gabriel Ng looks at the future of electric vehicles and General Motors' involvement in a burgeoning Chinese market.
"How can we tell a new story on the climate crisis that creates a sense of optimism - because we need optimism to tackle this crisis and not fall into apathy and despair."
There are concerns that in accepting the donation from INEOS, Oxford University is helping ‘clear’ the company’s name, as it is increasingly scrutinised in climate terms.
The study combined the internet browsing history of over 9,000 participants in six countries including the USA and UK with survey data to establish whether there was a link between support for populist parties and climate scepticism.
The final consultation period for the Oxford Zero Emissions Zone (ZEZ) launched this past week and remains open until January 17, 2021. Oxfordshire County...