Monday, February 24, 2025

Tag: Corbyn

Labour ought not to disown Blair

New Labour achieved much during its 13 years in power—if the party want to win again they would do well to own their legacy says Annie Simm

A Labour council is vital to defend Oxford’s public services

OULC co-chair Tom Zagoria attacks the Lib Dems' pretentions to council seats, and the plans to abolish Oxford City Council

Only the Liberal Democrats can stop a Tory majority

With Corbyn’s Labour weak and divided, the nation must turn to the Liberal Democrats for an effective opposition

Is May’s snap election in the national interest or political opportunism?

Facing tough Brexit negotiations, electoral fraud investigations, and popular Labour policy, May has moved to consolidate Tory dominance

Labour members must stay in order to save the Party

Keir Mather argues that, following Labour's failure to expel Ken Livingstone, membership is not only morally justified, but necessary

Tim Farron interview: “This is the very moment that the country needs a bold and competent opposition”

Jack Hunter dissects today's politics with the leader of the Liberal Democrats

Labour has a long way to go, but it is far from disconnected from reality

Alfie Steer disagrees with President Obama's disheartening comments on Corbyn's party

Can Labour win the Copeland by-election?

Maxim Parr-Reid argues that Corbyn's party could be in serious danger in the upcoming by-election

Corbyn speaks in Oxford ahead of NHS “funeral procession”

The Labour leader spoke in East Oxford ahead of a 200-strong "funeral march" for the NHS

A day at the races

John Maier reviews the recent glut of political leadership contests

Jeremy Corbyn: weak leadership and a middle-class fantasy

Toby Williams proposes that left-wing politics, both in Oxford and nationally, is drifting from pragmatic electability to idealist fantasy

Students to take stand against fee increases

Students support Jeremy Corbyn’s petition against the government increase in tuition fees

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