Thursday, March 20, 2025

Tag: culture

“The play-text should never have been selected for performance”

Will Austin finds 'Five Women Wearing the Same Dress' to be outdated and hackneyed at the Michael Pilch Studio

“A tense and deeply disturbing piece”

Emily Lawford is left shaken by 'Orca', an award-winning drama about sacrifice and redemption

Dispatches: A meeting of minds, memories, and bad wine

Jem Bosatta explores a connection between memory and the senses

American art at the cutting edge of the 21st century

Altair Brandon-Salmon explores two samples of recent art and their resonances

Exploring Hull and its high water

Julian Wood travels around Kingston-Upon-Hull and immerses himself in 2017's 'City of Culture'

“Fun, thoroughly amusing and worth watching”

Freya Thorpe praises Ambriel Productions’ musical ensemble

Acting out against commoditisation in art

Anoushka Kavanagh considers resistance to the shifting role of the consumer

A day in the life of… a lighting director

I came to Oxford with very little backstage experience. It’s really easy to get into the scene—TAFF (the University network of backstage crew) is...

An odd mix of Sophocles, Stoppard and Wilde

Katie Sayer gives four stars to Simon Callow's revival of a 1970s classic

A day in the life of… an assistant director

Rebekah King describes her role assistant directing Brontë, Polly Teale’s successful 2005 period drama

Rewind: “Our greatest work may be found in our escape”

Carmen Martinez explores the dawdles and doodles of Dr Seuss' Oxford days

Becoming a metropolitan through life in slow motion

Maddison Sumner discusses her experience of moving from the town to the city

“An aspirational first performance”

Jacob Greenhouse is impressed by 'Blatavsky's Tower', the first production from newly founded company

“A little-known gem”

Thomas Player gives four stars to 'Dear Brutus', an underrated classic

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