Oxford reveals gender pay gap

Newly released figures show a mean gender pay gap of 24.5%, which is higher than the national average

First contested Union election in 5 terms

But 70% of candidates are men and 60% are privately educated

Only two black finalists awarded firsts in 2017

Black people and women achieved a lower percentage of firsts than their white, male counterparts.

2017: A feminist turning point?

A glance at the powerful women who have dominated this year's pop culture.

A gendered rewatching of The Silence of the Lambs

25 years on, Clarice Sterling's defiance of the patriarchy is as relevant as ever

Public schoolboys dominate Union election

21 of the 30 officers running in Friday’s elections attended fee-paying schools, Cherwell analysis has found.

You do the maths: why aren’t female mathematicians getting firsts?

Despite the department’s best efforts, the gender discrepancy in results for BA Maths increased this year

Hints for female travellers

After an eye-opening voyage across Europe, Kathleen Farmilo notes the modern dangers facing female backpackers

Grayson Perry’s Polymorphous Popularity

Georgiana Wilson explores Grayson Perry's image, identity, and popularity after seeing his latest exhibition

BBC’s shameful pay gap and the need for quality

Jordan Bernstein argues that the BBC should solve its gender pay gap, but cutting the salaries of its highest earners would compromise quality

Dove’s body love lie

Daisy Chandley takes a stand against Dove's questionable new advertising campaign

Oxford faces sexism claims after introducing ‘take-home’ exams to close gender gap

Oxford has denied that its move to allow students to sit a new history paper at home was made solely to close the gender gap in results

Analysing men, makeup, and masculinity

Beauty correspondent Beth Brand investigates the outdated stigma surrounding the male beauty industry

Femininity, fashion and feminism

Chloe Dootson-Graube examines the role gender plays in the couture houses.

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